Monday, September 01, 2008

Weekend Herb Blogging - The Rules

There have been a few changes to the rules since Kalyn first started this event, the history of which can be found here.

The rules for Weekend Herb Blogging remain fairly unchanged.

1. Entries to Weekend Herb Blogging must be posts written specifically for Weekend Herb Blogging. This means they cannot be cross-posted in other events. Photos used in the posts however can be submitted to photo events like DMBLGIT.

2. Weekend Herb Blogging entries should have the goal of helping people learn about cooking with herbs or plant ingredients.

Only two types of entries will be accepted:
* Recipe posts where a herb or plant ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe
* Informative posts that spotlight one herb or plant ingredient, particularly including information about how they are used in cooking.
Naturally, posts can be a combination of both these criteria.

3. Posts must contain the phrase Weekend Herb Blogging with a link to the host for that week and to this site.

4. The posts may be written anytime during the week but you must email your host with WHB in the subject line by:
3pm Sunday - Utah Time
10pm Sunday - London Time
9am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) adjusted for daylight savings time
You can use this converter to find out the corresponding time in your location.

5. In your email please include the following information:
  • Your Name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • Your Location
  • Attach a photo (please check here for specific host requirements)
This information will help your host greatly as the recaps can be quite time consuming.

6. Recaps can be published Sunday Night or Monday - the decision is left to the Host.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment or email me at
weekend.herb.blogging AT gmailDOTcom


  1. Hiya hello,
    am joining the party this weekend on&would love to know how many creations i can bring along for this virtual weekend herb blogging
    so looking foward....

  2. Hi and welcome to WHB - you only need to bring one creation

  3. Hi, i would like to join in the party too ! does it mean that i can post my recipe in my blog anytime during he week and i need only to email the host only on sunday ? please clarify since this is my first time here :)

  4. Hi Reshmi - you can post the recipe anytime during the week and also send your email to the host anytime during the week. The sunday deadline relates to when that week's edition ends. Hope that clears it up!

  5. Thank you Haalo for your quick response. Will defintely send my entry :)


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