Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Say Cheese #2

The Cheese Show last month certainly highlighted the fact that even in a country with a cheese industry as small as ours, there are still cheese-makers and cheese to discover. So I thought why not make the theme to this edition of Say Cheese all about trying out something new.


The idea is to step out of your comfort zone and choose either a type of cheese you wouldn't normally have or try a cheese you like from a cheese-maker that is unknown to you. Some of the best experiences we can have are when we experiment. 

There's no need to cook anything - just a few details about the cheese, what you did or didn't like about and if you would try it again. 

It's that simple - so head out to your favourite Cheese monger and see what you can find.

To take part:

Post about your discovery by the October 3rd
and send an email with Say Cheese in the subject line to:


Please include:
  • Your name
  • Your Blog Name/URL
  • Your Post URL
  • the Cheese Name with Country of Origin
  • attach a photo
  • and please include a link to this announcement post to help me keep track of posts.
You are also more than welcome to use the Say Cheese banner if you desire.

The virtual cheese-board will appear at the beginning of October.


  1. This will be a great excuse for me to try something new! I tend not to be that adventurous when it comes to cheese... ;-)

  2. Thanks Nora - there's always time for cheese¡

  3. Mmmmm, an interesting thought - and a chance for me to trawl the cheese shop!

  4. Excellent - any excuse is a good excuse to eat more cheese!

  5. What a shame that I have only learnt about this event. I will not have enough time to take part. I will keep an eye on your next event. Would love to join.


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