Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tea - Licorice Root

You might be hard pressed to believe that this tangled mess is edible - but indeed it is. These are dried Licorice (or Liquorice) roots and are used to make tea.

licorice root

The health properties associated with Licorice are well documented - it contains a natural expectorant so it can help soothe coughs and colds; it offers digestive relief by decreasing the amount of stomach acid and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

However, there are concerns with taking licorice in large doses or on a frequent basis as it can cause blood pressure to rise - if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant you should probably give it a miss but always check with your doctor to make sure.

If you are feeling a bit queasy or perhaps a cold is coming on, then a soothing cup of licorice root tea should make you feel better.

licorice root tea

One or Two sticks depending on size is all you need - let them brew for a few minutes before drinking.
licorice root tea

You shouldn't expect the commercial licorice flavour that we associate with modern day sweets as they are flavoured using aniseed rather than a product of the licorice plant.

The tea has a more woody, resinous flavouring to begin with which then finishes with a pleasant and distinctive sweetness.



  1. I only discovered liquorice tea (in a bag) last year and drank lots of it for a while - I took some to work and my office drawer still smells of it - but it is a lovely sweet smell!

  2. May I add that it is also a natural laxative? I found this out by, uh, accident :(

  3. This sounds so soothing---and perfect for me, I have asthma and frequently get brochitis, as well as chronic stomach problems AND low-blood pressure (that's the first time in my life I've ever said those things with such excitement)! Thanks for the info!

  4. Hi Johanna - I wonder if it tastes very different, might check that out!

    Hi Anon - from what I've read that is more of an issue if you have too much of it - it can also happen if you have too much licorice sweets.

    Hi Robin - hopefully it will help ease those problems.

  5. I do like licorice tea but i find that if you put too much in it can be really quite sickly, especially if you buy a ready-blended mix. I prefer to make it the way you have here - very soothing.

  6. That is good advice Helen!

  7. I have just bought some clipper licorice tea bags and I am Hooked! I love it! but will buy some root and try this, thanks.

  8. Hello:
    I had been searching in vain for a website that actually showed licorice root as a whole root and also explained how to make the tea. This is the only site I could find the exact pictures and directions I needed. Thanks so much. I'm off to make my tea, and share your site with others on my discussion group.
    Be Blessed - Maria/http//www.traditionalcook.com


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