Wednesday, January 17, 2007

One year later...


Time really does fly when you're having fun.

It's hard to imagine that a full year has gone by since I made the decision to begin this food blog. I don't know if it was one thing or just the culmination of many things that lead me to that point but I'm glad that it happened.

I must give a huge THANK-YOU to everyone that has visited and supported this blog - to those that have commented or sent emails I truly appreciate the time you've taken to do so. I've enjoyed the many stories, recipes and questions you've shared with me. It has been such a fantastic experience - it's so easy to find points of difference but with food, that's one part of life were we can all come together. It is the universal language.

To celebrate one year I've updated the blog - it's now running fully on "new" Blogger - there's still a few things to add and a few tweaks to do but after yesterday's power failure which saw a third of the state lose power, I consider myself lucky that I was able to get this done at all. I do know there's an issue with the banner in Opera but if you find something else awry in the site, just email and I'll see to it.

It's been quite sad to lose the black background - I find it very soothing to the eyes but do understand that not everyone shares that opinion.

I've added a Translation Tool to the right sidebar - just select the language required and the web-site will be automatically translated. It's pretty neat.

To show my support for Farmers' Markets I've included a section just for them. Where possible I've included links that will have all the details you need. If you know of a market that's on and I haven't included it - please drop me a line and let me know and I'll make sure to add it.

I should add that new blogger seems to do it's feed a little differently so you may well notice that posts on the feed don't quite coincide with what is on the site. Apologies if you are getting old posts showing up - it's out of my hands at the moment.

So with one year down I look forward to sharing the next year with you all.


  1. Happy 1st Birthday!! =) Ever since I discover the world of food blogs and sharing, yours has always been the one on constant review. I love your creations, the simplicity of it, the photos and the appeal in them.

    Hope to see more of your wonderful creations in the coming year.

    Best Wishes, Haalo!!

  2. Happy Birthday! Your inspiration hasn't faded in that time, Haalo: this is one of the most prolific, creative and readable food blogs that I've come across. Here's to another year of the same. :-)

  3. Happy 1st birthday! Looking forward to more delicious postings & recipes in the coming months and years!

  4. Congratulations on your 1st Birthday!

  5. Always one of my very favourite blogs, with photos that brighten my days. Also you were the only example of use of a black background that I think actually worked, but it looks good in the new format.


  6. Only a year? Haalo - it seems like you have been around for ever - in a good way of course. COngratulations on everything you have achieved in one short year.

    Looking forward to the next one


  7. Dear Haalo,

    Congratulations on achieving this milestone.

    Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous recipes, your knowledge and your heritage.

    Well done and continued success for the new year.


  8. Haalo, your blog is always of the finest quality in recipes, photography, anecdotes and general writing. Congratulations on your 1st blog birthday, I look forward to reading your entries for many more birthdays to come :)

  9. Dear Haalo,

    I'm a huge fan of yours, your blog is constant inspiration and I've tried some of your recipes - with excellent results, I have to say.

    I love visiting you, seeing your beautiful photos and reading your delightful text.

    I'm glad I speak English, I've learned so much from you!

    The cupcake is fantastic, too. ;D

  10. Happy 1st!! I always love looking at your posts in the morning with my "cuppa" and oogling your lovely photographs. Not to mention cooking with you during WCC and the other food blog events we participate in together. You always inspire me. Looking forward to Year 2!

  11. Huge congratulations. I really like the new look. In every way I think your blog keeps getting better and better.

  12. Congrats Haalo! I love coming over to read your posts and recipes :)

  13. The new design looks great! And that cupcake looks AMAZING!

    Your pics are always great, what do you use for backgrounds?

  14. Happy birthday and long life to your blog!

  15. Happy 1st birthday! I have always loved your blog. Hope to see more beautiful pics and especially wonderful and informative posts from you!

    BTW, love the farmer's market section! ;)

  16. Thanks Jacelyn - I'm looking forward to the next year!

    Thanks Cindy - it's easy to stay inspired surrounded by such great people.

    Thanks Lisa - I will do my best!

    Thanks Neil!

    Thanks Trig - you have me all misty for my black background

    Thanks Sam - i think one blog year is equal to 7 dog years ;)

    Thanks Karen for all your support and great feedback on the recipes you've tried and hopefully there will be more things to share in the future.

    Thanks Ellie - here's to more volcanic honeycomb in the future ;)

    Thanks Patricia for trying out the recipes - you've done so wonderfully well with them. It's been a real pleasure.

    Thanks Breadchick - hope there's many more cuppas to come! The Blog Events are just fantastic to be a part of, to see the creativity alive throughout the world is inspiring.

    Thanks Kalyn for your support and encouragement.

    Thanks Angie and hope to see more of you in the future.

    Thanks Brilynn - the backgrounds can vary but I tend to use coloured cards, that's really high-tech ;)

    Thanks Plume!

    Thanks Anh - I'm glad you like the farmers' market it's a fav of mine.

  17. The new look is fantastic - Good work - I especially love the Farmers market update - now i know where to look to find whats on each weekend

  18. Happy B'day! The new look is cool!!

  19. Contratulations on your first anniversary.

    I have been following your posts for a few months and enjoy every one of them; they are a delight!

    You should consider publishing your first year as a book. I know I would certainly buy a copy for myself and a few as gifts for family and friends.

    I look forward to, hopefully, many more posts of Cook (almost)Anything at Least Once.


  20. Thanks Ange - see you at the markets!

    Thanks Paz - it's been a real pleasure getting to know you.

    Thanks Chandrika - glad you like it!

    Thanks Heather, that's very lovely of you! I hope you continue to enjoy the morsels on offer.

  21. I use Opera, and your blog looks just fine to me (and that's why I keep coming back :) .. Happy 1st yr!

  22. Hi Haalo ~ What a surprise, your blogging 'only' one year! From the (new) counts, you sure have more posts than more people will do in two or even three years!

    So many congratulations on the anniversary, the new look and may there be just as many inspiring posts in the new year!

    (And many MANY MAAAAANNNNNY thanks for the white background!)

  23. Thanks Y - I finally worked out the little niggle in Opera - why can't all browers just display the exact same thing the same way?

    Thanks Alanna for the good wishes - I will do my best to continue.

  24. Hey Haalo,
    Your blog has indeed received a great makeover. Congratulations on having completed one year of successful blogging. I prefer the current white backdrop to the previous black one. You really have come a long way in the past year. Keep up the good work!

  25. Thanks Pritya for the support and the positive feedback. I will do my best!


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