Sunday, July 06, 2008

Brioche and Blueberry Pudding

Jeanne from Cook Sister! has selected the theme of berried treasure for this edition of "Waiter, There's Something in my..." and in the middle of winter all I can say is, thank goodness for frozen berries.

I've decided to use blueberries and incorporate them into that traditional winter dessert of bread and butter pudding. Rather than use a normal bread, I've gone for a more luxurious version and have used my favourite brioche loaf, the Briont


To add an extra dimension I've also used a little of the meyer marmalade - the tang of lemon goes so well with blueberries.

brioche and blueberry pudding©

Brioche and Blueberry Pudding

Briont, sliced
soft butter
caster sugar
1 cup frozen blueberries, briefly rinse to remove any ice crystals
Meyer Marmalade

1 cup cream
1 cup milk
3 eggs
50 grams caster sugar

flaked almonds, for decoration

Cut the bread into finger width slices - due to the nature of this bread I do leave the crusts on, you may want to remove the crusts if using a regular loaf.

Butter the slices generously with soft butter and use them to line the base of a baking dish, butter side up. Sprinkle over with a little caster sugar and some of the meyer marmalade. Finally, add the blueberries.

brioche and blueberry pudding©

Butter the remaining slices and then arrange them over to cover.

Place the eggs, sugar, cream and milk into a bowl and whisk until combined. Pour this carefully over the bread slices, making sure that it is all soaked through. Let it sit for 5 minutes.

Finish off with an extra sprinkling of caster sugar and a generous handful of flaked almonds. Bake in a pre-heated 180°C/350°F oven for about 45-60 minutes or until golden, puffed and cooked through.

brioche and blueberry pudding©

Let it rest for a few minutes before serving - it will deflate somewhat but it will be a lot easier to cut and serve.


  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2008

    Oh my goodness, this looks amazing!

  2. Thanks Susan - it tastes just as good as it looks!

  3. That blueberry brioche pudding looks really good!

  4. Thanks Kevin - i didn't need to twist anyones arm for seconds!

  5. Oh my WORD Haalo! That looks totally amazing - love the addition of the Meyer lemon curd too. And as you say, isn't it great that berries freeze so well?? Love the beautiful photos too. Thanks so much for your WTSIM contribution this month :)

  6. AnonymousJuly 15, 2008

    that looks perfect, brioche and pudding...mmmmh yummy :)

  7. Thanks Jeanne - it was a great theme and its always a pleasure to participate.

    Thanks Zita!

  8. AnonymousJuly 16, 2008

    Looks great. I posted about a blueberry brioche pudding recently too! Great minds think alike, huh?

  9. AnonymousJuly 16, 2008

    Hi, I was just wondering what sized pan you used?

    I'm going to try it tonight!

  10. Thanks Jude - it's a great thing about cooking is that you can use similar ingredients but end up with different results. Your pudding look lovely!

    Anon - I think it was a 20cm/8 inch baking dish.


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